
Powerpoint Assignment
For this assignment you will have to go to 2 or 3 websites for some information and pictures.  First you will need to open a new powerpoint document.  Once you have opened powerpoint make 6 new slides.  On your first slide put the title-The Life Cycle Of A Frog, your name and the whole life cycle if you choose.  Then you will need to go to Life Cycle of frogs
 and/or All About Frogs.  This website will give you information that you will need for each slide.  Each slide will contain its own stage of the cycle.  You also need to go to Powerpoint of the life cycle.  At this website you will need to copy the pictures for each cycle and post one to each slide.  Students can go around the classroom and look at other powerpoints.  When you are done with your powerpoint save it on your computer desktop for grading.

Below is an example of your first slide!